Teams create vibrant street carnival music with recycled trash instruments
In Street Beat teams produce their own colourful and vibrant street carnival in just 90 minutes! Working in groups, participants explore the sounds which can be made from instruments such as trash cans, drain pipes and yard brushes, and the visual effects which can be created from a host of 'urban uniform' items. When the groups come together learn to work as one to produce a harmonious, concordant sound.
The resulting dynamic and uplifting performances will clearly show how different groups interpret, express, and achieve success in different ways.
Working against the clock, and with limited resources, it will take hard work, loads of teamwork and all the creative energy the group can muster to put on a memorable performance. StreetBeat is all about working together as a team to reach a common goal.
With the use of back to basics trash style instrumentation Street Beat is a practical demonstration of reuse and recycle. Take the concept one step further an invite participants to bring recycled materials to use to the event.
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