Teams compete in trading to increase their wealth
Each team plays the members of a Thai Tribe with possessions and information to trade. Their goal is to accumulate commodities as they build relationships and deal with the other tribes and traders. Ruthless negotiation, creative thinking and strategic planning make the richest tribe in the city.
A quick and clever activity where teams negotiate and trade to maximise their returns. Although this is a competitive exercise, the most successful teams are those that collaborate with others to build win-win outcomes while at the same time focussing on their own bottom line results. During a review process, winning strategies are shared and pertinent learnings are applied to the workplace.
Komandamıza təcrid olunmuş şəkildə deyil, komanda halında işləməyin nə qədər əhəmiyyətli olduğunu əyləncəli şəkildə xatırlatdı!