+994 50 222 00 13
Where in The World
Elevate your next meeting to new heights by sharing experiences and making lasting connections!
Whisky Wisdom
Məşhur viskilərin aromatik dadlarını düzgün tapmaq üçün içkiləri qoxulayın və dadlarına baxın.
Win It In A Minute
"Minute it to Win It" tapşırıqlarını yerinə yetirmək üçün komanda işi və ünsiyyət bacarıqlarından istifadə edin
Win it in a Minute - Remote
Ignite laughter, team spirit and joy with our fast, fun and action-packed 60 second challenges.
World Outside Your Window
A technology-based players explore their local environment to contribute to their team’s score and ultimate success.
Zombie Rising
In Zombie Rising, teams set out on an urban adventure to ‘zap’ deadly zombies in an engaging test of teamwork and collaboration.